Canvas Paintings

As a studio art major in college, I began my studies with oil paints. After 10+ years of painting, I have added many mediums into my wheelhouse, and feel comfortable in many styles of art, but oils will forever be my first love. Whatever the tools, layers of complex colors and textures, blending elements of abstract and realism can be seen throughout my work.


Restoration & Cosmetic Retouches

This is a project I will never forget. The woman Who hired me had this large painting commissioned many, many years ago. She always hated the white flowers but was too nervous to tell the original artist. Sadly, he passed away before she got the chance. So she asked me if I could take them out of this massive 6ft tall oil painting. I did, and it turned out beautifully!

Custom Frame

This piece was commissioned by someone who did wood working as a hobby. He wanted a custom oil painting for an alcove in his wine cellar. He made a wood frame that fit perfectly into the brick recess of the wall. I was so impressed! I stretched the canvas for the painting around the frame (yes, you can stretch canvas on round frames) and painted him this vineyard scene. The cellar looked absolutely stunning!

Whatever it is, I would love to help create the perfect piece for you!

